Song Legacy Lyric Sheet
Christmas Present of a Personalized Song
LS-CC Snowflakes on Red Border
This lyric sheet and CD cover, featuring a red
border with white snowflakes, would be a great choice for a Christmas gift
of a personalized song for a loved one or for a personalized family history
song written especially for a get-together at Christmastime. Copies of the
lyric sheet and the CD with the personalized song can be given to everyone
attending the Christmas party, and also sent to those who aren't able to
For a personalized song requiring two pages of lyrics, this lyric sheet
can be used for one page and the similar
lyric sheet with snowflakes on green border can be used for the other
page. CD jacket cover images are available with both red and green borders,

Blank Christmas lyric sheet for Christmas, snowflakes on red border
Lyric Sheet LS-CC Snowflakes on Red Border
Copyright © 1999-2024 Song Legacy
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