Song Legacy custom personalized songs
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Song Legacy Sample
Fiftieth Birthday Song for a Man
Half Century Swing
Happy 50th Birthday

Listen to complete song
(requires Flash Player 7 or higher).
Click on '50th Birthday Song'
in box below to hear song.

We also offer a fiftieth
birthday song for a woman,
Happy 50th Birthday
or    Listen to MP3 excerpt
from the 50th birthday song
(if you don't have Flash player):
MP3 excerpt (1 min. 36 sec.)

This original Fiftieth Birthday song, Half Century Swing - Happy 50th Birthday, is available as an MP3 download, along with a high-quality illustrated lyric sheet and CD cover image. You can use a music CD-creation program on your computer to write the song on a CD to present as a gift or play at the fiftieth birthday party, and print the lyric sheet and CD cover to include as part of your gift. Andrea Carter is the composer, lyricist and vocalist on this original song written especially for a man's fiftieth birthday celebration. The playing time of the complete song is 3 minutes 25 seconds.

Lyric Sheet for original 50th birthday song for a man
Lyric sheet for original song to celebrate a man's fiftieth Birthday
"Half Century Swing - Happy 50th Birthday"

CD cover for original 50th birthday song for a man
CD cover for original
fiftieth birthday song
  In addition to the MP3 file and lyric sheet pages, your purchase will include this downloadable CD cover image created especially for this original fiftieth birthday song. If you're planning to copy the MP3 to a CD to present as a gift, including this CD cover will transform the CD case into a birthday card.

You can add your own 50th birthday greeting in the blank space in the middle of the CD cover.

Click on the "Buy now" button below to order your download of this original fiftieth birthday song in MP3 format, along with higher quality versions of the lyric sheet and CD cover illustrated above, for only $9.99. You must go through the PayPal checkout procedure to complete your order.

After your PayPal payment is complete, you should click on "Return to Merchant" at the bottom of the PayPal "Thank you for your payment" page, to receive your instructions for downloading the files immediately.

We will also send you a follow-up message including the instructions for downloading your files, in case you run into problems with downloading immediately after your PayPal payment.

Note: To make sure that you'll receive our messages, please add our e-mail address to your e-mail "safe list" or address book.

  • AOL users: add our e-mail address to your "people I know" list.
  • Earthlink, Hotmail, and Yahoo users: add our e-mail address to your address book.
  • Users of other ISPs: If your ISP blocks emails from unknown users, please contact them and instruct them to "safe list" our e-mail address.

If you have any problems, contact us at contact Song Legacy

See our Products page to find out about other options, including how to order customized songs for a fiftieth birthday or other special birthdays.

Please note that this product is an MP3 file of an original fiftieth birthday song, including vocals, along with an illustrated lyric sheet and a CD jacket cover image which can be printed. We do not offer sheet music or recordings of background music.

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Sample original birthday song - you are here Original Fiftieth Birthday Song for a Man

Song Legacy - Unique personalized songs
Carmel Valley, CA
Phone: 831-375-1294
  E-mail: contact Song Legacy

Copyright © 1999-2024 Song Legacy

Song Legacy - unique gifts of personalized music Unique gifts of personalized music